Deep Life Reflections: Podcast - Survival


Episode 80

This week's podcast of Deep Life Reflections explores survival through the lens of Eugene Sledge's memoir With The Old Breed, recounting the camaraderie and leadership that helped overcome the horrors of war, and the documentary Apollo 13: Survival, which highlights the resilience and ingenuity needed to face crises. We also reflect on how today’s societal fragmentation might challenge our ability to unite in overcoming such obstacles.

Tune in below—it’s a quick listen, under ten minutes.

About This Podcast

This podcast is generated using NotebookLM by Google, an experimental AI tool designed to enhance content delivery.

How it works: Each week, after writing the full edition of Deep Life Reflections, I upload the content to NotebookLM. The tool then transforms my writing into a podcast-style ‘deep-dive’ discussion with the two AI hosts. As you’ll hear, these hosts are pretty lively and very realistic. They summarise the key themes and ideas from the newsletter, creating an audio experience that I believe complements the written content.

Please note that this podcast is entirely AI-generated. While it closely follows the newsletter, it’s part of an experimental feature designed to explore new ways of sharing insights. Currently, I’m unable to change the accent or expressions of the AI hosts, but I welcome your feedback as I as I think about the role of podcasts at Deep Life Journey.

I’ve chosen to experiment with this podcast format because I know many of you enjoy listening to podcasts, and this provides a new way to experience Deep Life Reflections. However, I want to reassure you that the newsletter will remain my core format—writing is a process I love, and all the ideas, reflections and words will continue to come from me.


Your Feedback: What do you think about this new AI-generated podcast version of Deep Life Reflections?
