Deep Life Journey

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Deep Life Reflections: Friday Five

Issue 65 - History Lessons

Welcome to Issue 65 of Deep Life Reflections, and a special welcome to new subscribers.

I'm writing to you from the Bavarian city of Munich, Germany, where I'm enjoying the European Football Championship (better known as Euro 24) with friends I've known for thirty years. As we travel around Germany over the next 12 days, we’re supporting our home country of Scotland as they play their three group matches. We’re hoping to witness a historic first—Scotland progressing past the first round. We start tonight against the home nation, Germany. We will need a little luck!

Munich, a city with nearly a thousand years of history, provides a rich backdrop for our journey. From medieval times to modern day, via its dark chapter as the birthplace of the Nazi Party in the early part of the twentieth century, the city is a testament to resilience, change, and progress, much like the themes I explore in my photography.

In Issue 58, I shared my passion for photography, handpicking five of my favourite photos. This week, I'd like to present another five photos from my collection, themed around history and impact. Each image captures an important lesson from history, echoing its influence even today.

As I wrote before, photography provides a gateway to deeper understanding. Photos freeze moments in time, allowing us to ponder and reflect on their significance.

So, join me as we explore this week’s visual Friday Five.

This week's featured image is from my trip to Berlin in 2016. I captured this photo just outside the Tiergarten early one freezing morning. Tiergarten is one of Berlin’s most famous and historic parks. This is one of my favourite photos.

4. ‘Rebirth’ - Florence, Italy

Thanks for taking this visual journey with me today and for being part of the Deep Life Journey community. If you have any thoughts or reflections on the photographs featured in this issue, or if there’s a historical photograph of your own that you’d like to share, please leave a comment/share. Have a great weekend.

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Don’t forget to check out my website, Deep Life Journey, for full content on my Pillars, Perspectives & Photography. And you can read all previous issues of Deep Life Reflections here.