Deep Life Journey

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Deep Life Reflections: Friday Five

Issue 78 - Look Back: Part 2

Welcome to Issue 78 of Deep Life Reflections.

I continue my travels in Spain, and this week, I'm writing from Murcia, a university town in southeastern Spain. Known as ‘Europe’s orchard’ for its rich agricultural heritage, Murcia was founded by Abd ar-Rahman II, Emir of Cordoba, in 825, and famous for its fresh produce, fruits, and flowers. Of course, like much of Spain, the food here is delicious.

Continuing from last week, I’m looking back at some key themes from previous issues as I travel, giving you the opportunity to revisit past insights or explore ideas you might have missed the first time. I hope these reflections spark new thoughts, and as always, I’d love to hear your feedback.

Join me as we look back in this week’s Friday Five.

I hope you enjoyed this second look back through Deep Life Reflections. Perhaps these two topics have given you some food for thought regarding the role they play in your own life. Thanks as always for reading and being part of the Deep Life Journey community. Have a great weekend.


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