Deep Life Journey

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Deep Life Reflections: Friday Five

Issue 77 - Look Back: Part 1

Welcome to Issue 77 of Deep Life Reflections.

This week, I'm writing to you from Spain, where I'm spending the next two and a half weeks traveling. I really enjoy visiting Spain, with it’s rich history, culture, and beautiful surroundings. During this trip, I’ll be visiting Majorca, Murcia, Seville, and ending my journey in Estepona, a small town along the southern coast. I’m currently in Majorca, staying in Alcúdia Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage site surrounded by 14th-century walls and narrow, colourful streets.

As I travel, I thought this would be the perfect time to take stock and reflect on some key themes from previous issues—after all, we now have 76 editions spanning the last 18 months! This gives you the chance to revisit past insights or discover something you might have missed the first time.

This approach also reflects one of my core beliefs: the importance of stepping back, taking breaks, and allowing ourselves time to recharge and reflect. So, for the next couple of issues, that’s exactly what I'll be doing—revisiting some of the interesting themes from past editions for you to explore at your own pace.

As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts or comments—and if you've been to any of the places I’m visiting in Spain, please share your recommendations or experiences.

So, join me as we look back in this week’s Friday Five.

I hope you enjoyed this look back through Deep Life Reflections. Perhaps there are some areas in your own life that might benefit from a pause, offering the space to reflect before moving forward. Thanks as always for reading and being part of the Deep Life Journey community. Have a great weekend.


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Don’t forget to check out my website, Deep Life Journey, for full content on my Pillars, Perspectives & Photography. And you can read all previous issues of Deep Life Reflections here.